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臭气熏天却不自知? 日本发明体臭检测器-开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站

时间:2025-01-22 18:06:01

  本文摘要:Body odor is a very serious issue, so serious in fact that there is actually a market for high-tech devices that alert users if they start to stink.体臭是相当严重的一个问题,事实上,需要警告用户否有体臭的高科技产品还是一挺有市场的。

Body odor is a very serious issue, so serious in fact that there is actually a market for high-tech devices that alert users if they start to stink.体臭是相当严重的一个问题,事实上,需要警告用户否有体臭的高科技产品还是一挺有市场的。The problem with body odor is that you cant really smell it on yourself, and in an exceptionally polite society like Japans that can put people in uncomfortable situations.体臭的问题在于,你言不来自己身上的味道,而在日本这样一个高度重视礼貌的国家,这不会将他人置放窘境。Carrying a bottle of deodorant on you at all times during the summer is quite common in Japan, but putting on too much of that stuff too often can irritate the skin or stain clothing, so its not exactly a fool-proof solution.在夏天随时装载一瓶除臭剂在日本是很少见的,但是过于频密地用于除臭剂不会性刺激皮肤或弄脏衣服,所以这并不是万全之策。

If only we had a way of knowing when we smell, and how bad... Thankfully, Japanese wellness device maker Tanita just unveiled its newest creation, a handheld smell checker that analyzes body odor and ranks its intensity on a scale of 1 to 10.要是我们能告诉自己否在弥漫体臭以及有多臭就好了……幸而日本保健设备制造商百利约刚发售了一款近期发明者--一款手执体臭检测器,需要分析体臭并表明体臭程度(一共10级)。Called the ES-100, Tanitas smell-sensing device was inspired by the companys range of alcohol breath analyzers. They basically adapted their technology to check for odor-producing particulate matter instead of alcohol and the ES-100 was born.百利约的这款取名为ES-100的体臭检测器的启发来自该公司的酒精呼气检测仪。

他们对检测酒精的技术做到了改良,用其来检测产生体臭的微粒,ES-100就这样问世了。This thing is super-easy to use. Just flip it open and point the built-in sensor toward the problematic areas of your body. It reportedly takes about 10 seconds for the handheld device to collect and analyze data, after which it will display a numerical result on its small LED display.这款体臭检测器用于一起超级便利。只要关上它,将内置传感器的那一头对着有可能弥漫体臭的身体部位才可。

据报导,这款手执检测器只必须10秒钟就能搜集和分析数据,并在小小的LED显示屏上表明出有数字结果。0 means you dont smell, 1 to 4 are acceptable levels of body odor, 5 to 9 should really have you concerned, and I assume a 10 means youre a walking biohazard.0代表你没体臭,1到4是可以拒绝接受的体臭,5到9是令人担忧的体臭,10大约意味著你是行驶的生物公害。Interestingly, the Tanita ES-100 doesnt work just for naturally occurring body odor, but also for cologne. So if you feel that too much cologne is just as bad as the musky smell of perspiration, you can use the handheld device to check if youve overdone it with the perfume.有意思的是,百利约ES-100不仅对天然体臭有效地,而且还对古龙香水有效地。

如果你实在喷太多古龙香水和汗臭一样难受,你也可以用这款手执设备来检测你否喷出了过于多古龙香水。Tanita said that it expects the ES-100 smell checker to be really popular with salary men in their 40s and 50s, the ages at which statistics show men start to be more concerned about their potential bad body odor.百利达称,它期望ES-100体臭检测器不会受到四五十岁的男性上班族的青睐,统计数据表明,这一年龄段的男性开始忧虑自己有可能散发出难闻的体臭。

However, the Japanese company adds that the device could be very useful for other categories as well, like people who want to make sure body odor doesnt ruin their date, or those who work in close proximity to other people.不过,百利约补足说道,该设备对其他人群也十分简单,比如那些想要保证体臭会烧掉约会的人,还有那些工作环境必须和他人近距离认识的人。The ES-100 was commercially launched on July 1st, with pricing being left up to retailers.ES-100月底7月1日上市,明确定价转交零售商要求。Interestingly, this is not the first Japanese high-tech device dedicated to fighting body odor. Last year, NextTechnology unveiled Hana-chan, a toy robot that designed to faint if it detected foul body odor, and Konica Minolta launched a device that monitored body odor and connected to a smartphone to alert users when they started to stink.有意思的是,这不是第一家致力于对付体臭的日本高科技公司。去年,NextTechnology公司公布了一款取名为Hana-chan的机器狗玩具,这款机器狗在气味浓厚的体臭时会昏倒。




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